Unique Values-Based Model

Values underpin our thoughts, words, and actions and make goals more attainable

Congruent Organizational Values

Values are rooted in actions modeled by leaders, they attract top talent, and they are a source of competitive advantage

AI Integration and Proprietary Analytics

Our advanced technology delivers, interprets, and analyzes values-based decisions and judgements

4 in 10

US employees say their job is negatively impacting their mental health


higher likelihood of burnout among individuals who are not thriving in their daily lives

Research shows happiness increases employee productivity and engagement by


An AI-Powered Solution to Unlock Better Potential

increase in client accessibility
and user capacity
0 %
increase in information processing
and coaching abilities
0 %

Greater access for global audiences

Efficient resource use, high quality standards, and flexibility for varying budgets

Advanced data analysis and AI interaction

increase in client accessibility
and user capacity
0 %
increase in information processing
and coaching abilities
0 %

Frequently Asked Questions

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Reach out to us!

Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?

Revaluate180 uses interactive activities as well as qualitative assessments to generate evaluations based on our proprietary model and analytics. Bespoke reports are created for participants to reveal their individual outcomes. These reports vary in length and details dependent on the package chosen.

How long does the initial process take?

The initial Avatar-led assessment lasts one hour, including interactive activities. Bespoke feedback reports are then generated within one week. 

How are the Feedback Report and Executive Development Report different?

The Feedback Report includes the outcomes of the initial assessment. The Executive Development Report combines outcomes of the initial assessment along with the qualitative data using our proprietary model and analytics. This report includes an extensive, in-depth, individual analysis and includes preliminary suggestions for ways forward.

What can I expect in a debrief session?

Our R180 experienced psychologists will walk you through your bespoke Value Profile and work with you to create actionable development areas to attain increased happiness and peak workplace performance. This is the opportunity to ask any questions you may have, and you can also sign up for further mentoring sessions with an expert on the R180 team.

How does a psychologist-led values workshop work?

R180 psychologist-led workshops can be completed both virtually and face-to-face dependent upon your needs. Prices and time frames may vary. 

Customer Testimonials

As a global macro hedge fund manager, I’ve discovered REVALUATE180 (R180) has been instrumental in helping me crystalize my own motivations, my own core values. Is it the money? Is it learning? Is it my desire for challenge, competition, and excitement? If you deviate too much from your core values or if you forget or ignore some that helped make you who you are, such as loyalty, creativity, or romance, you’re likely to feel unfulfilled, will not lead to authenticity and ultimately will be unable to reach the pinnacle of success.

Colin Lancaster

Global Macro Hedge Fund Manager, Author of “Fed Up! Success, Excess & Crisis”

To me doing what matters means aligning the different parts of your life – work, family, investing, personal philosophy – so that they all flourish more. It is always a work in progress, but it’s made all the difference for me. That’s why I’m so excited about the mission of Tia and REVALUATE180 and the impact they’ll make on people’s work and lives.

Coach Carson

Podcaster, Youtuber and Teacher

Revaluate180’s deep dive into your values and blockers provides an eye-opening and unique mirror into your personal psychology. The process is intuitive and comprehensive without being overbearing, generating results and insights that are thought-provoking and educational on both a personal and professional basis.

VP, Societe Generale